Friday, October 15, 2010




由于疫苗的种类我已经介绍过了,所以不再详细介绍。一般来说,除活疫苗之外,孕妇都可以安全使用。活疫苗由于至少在理论上有侵犯胎儿的可能,因此不建议在孕前一个月和孕期使用。美国的活疫苗包括:流感喷剂(注射剂是死病毒疫苗)、麻疹、风疹、腮腺炎(不是MMR,是单独的三种疫苗制剂)、BCG、牛痘病毒(Vaccinia)、黄热病(Yellow Fever)、水痘(Zoster)。这些疫苗使用的时候要小心。但是万一真的在孕前一个月或者孕期使用了这些疫苗也不用害怕,临床上并没有因为使用疫苗而引起的胎儿异常。


减毒活疫苗(Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine [LAIV])是鼻喷剂,品牌名叫FluMist(所以在引起身体产生保护性IgG抗体的基础上,还可以使呼吸道产生IgA抗体,对流感的预防更加有效和全面。但是由于是活疫苗孕妇不能使用(。
灭活疫苗(Inactivated )有两种制剂,一种是multi-dose的,一种是single-dose的。其中multi-dose的是一个大包装,一瓶疫苗suspend之后分别注射给几个人。这种包装是含有thimerasol的,就是说是含汞的。而single-dose的,是每个人的疫苗都是单独包装。由于打开后不需要继续保存,所以不含thimerasol,也不含汞。虽然这少量的汞不会影响胎儿,但是孕妇如果需要打疫苗,建议使用single-dose的制剂。一般在OB的诊所会有这样的制剂。而外面CVS,Walgreen等多是multi-dose的制剂。

Pregnant women who are identified as being at risk for HBV infection during pregnancy (e.g., having more than one sex partner during the previous 6 months, been evaluated or treated for an STD, recent or current injection drug use, or having had an HBsAg-positive sex partner) should be vaccinated.

Pregnant women should receive Td vaccine if indicated. Previously vaccinated pregnant women who have not received a Td vaccination within the last 10 years should receive a booster dose.
Pregnant women who have not received three doses of a vaccine containing tetanus and diphtheria toxoids should complete a series of 3 vaccinations. Two doses of Td should be administered during pregnancy to ensure protection against maternal and neonatal tetanus. The preferred schedule in pregnant women is two doses of Td separated by 4 weeks, and a dose of Tdap 6 months after the second dose (post-partum). Healthcare providers can choose to substitute a single dose of Tdap for a dose of Td during pregnancy.
Although no evidence exists that tetanus and diphtheria toxoids are teratogenic, waiting until the second trimester of pregnancy to administer Td is a reasonable precaution for minimizing any concern about the theoretical possibility of such reactions.
Td有sanofi pasteur生产的DECAVAC(
和MassBiologics生产的Tetanus and Diphtheria Toxoids Adsorbed(



Pregnancy is not a contraindication for use of Tdap. Data on safety, immunogenicity and the outcomes of pregnancy are not available for pregnant women who receive Tdap.When Tdap is administered during pregnancy, transplacental maternal antibodies might protect the infant against pertussis in early life. They also could interfere with the infant's immune response to infant doses of DTaP, and leave the infant less well protected against pertussis.
ACIP recommends Td when tetanus and diphtheria protection is required during pregnancy. In some situations*, healthcare providers can choose to administer Tdap instead of Td to add protection against pertussis. When Td or Tdap is administered during pregnancy, the second or third trimester is preferred.
Providers who choose to administer Tdap to pregnant women should discuss the lack of data with the pregnant women and are encouraged to report Tdap administrations regardless of the trimester, to the appropriate manufacturer's pregnancy registry: for Boostrix® to GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals at 1-888-825-5249, or for Adacel®, to sanofi pasteur at 800-822-2463.
Situations with increased risk for pertussis: Healthcare providers can choose to administer Tdap instead of Td to protect against pertussis in pregnant adolescents for routine or "catch-up" vaccination because the incidence of pertussis is high among adolescents, in pregnant healthcare personnel and child care providers to prevent transmission to infants younger than 12 months of age and to other vulnerable persons, and in pregnant women employed in an institution or living in a community with increased pertussis activity.

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